The number of people killed and seriously injured on Merton's roads has increased alarmingly from 39 in 2010 to 46 in 2011 and 65 in 2012.

Merton residents I have spoken to overwhelmingly want a 20mph speed limit on residential roads across the borough.

Even Merton Council say 'Reducing speed remains the most effective way of reducing the severity and number road casualties', but do next to nothing, unlike other London boroughs.

This is why Merton's 20s Plenty safety campaign will be meeting to hand in a petition to the council on Friday 22 November.

We are meeting at 1pm at Morden Baptist Church, Crown Lane, Morden, SM4 5BL for a brief talk and lunch and then a walk to the council offices .

Please come and join us - that child's life is worth it.

Keith Walton Merton 20's Plenty Campaign; Kenilworth Avenue, Wimbledon