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What a pleasure it was to read the letter from C Matthews .

Words such as ‘idiots’, ‘rag’ and ‘whingers’ remind me of the former un-politically correct - a flawed and imperfect - human concept era.

One can believe those on non-judicial quangos and committees who spit out this political correctness agenda are probably among the most flawed and imperfect, perfectionists.

Once upon a time, calling idiots what they are didn’t attract a writ but did encouraged them to respond in kind.

The local ‘rag’ was always meant as an affectionate term for the local newspaper where one is permitted to air one's views and where politicians don’t have a monopoly.

Unfortunately ‘whingers’ are entitled to be commonplace when those in whom we placed our trust have left our pockets bare.

After being accosted in Sutton by activists protesting about the St Helier Hospital proposals, one can hope they remember the local MPs who were shepherded through the lobby, voting in favour of the massive debt pile - some off-balance sheet - that has brought about this avoidable disgrace.

The same MPs, with short memories, expected to attend the protest, whipping up a baying crowd.

Whinging? That’s for the next generations for the legacy bequeathed to them.

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